Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grad School Adventures: Week 9: "Product Management and Market Trends"

Week 9: November 17-22nd
Lesson of the Week: "Do not let yourself get stagnant, make sure you read and know what is happening in the marketplace and the world around you."

“Innovation” “New” “Creative” “Differentiation” “Disruption” “the Customer Experience” - there are many buzzwords in business and Marketing. But what do they mean? How can they be applied? In a world filled with messages, ads, noise; it is hard for your consumers to hear your message. So how do you stand out? That is always the million dollar question in Marketing.

This week we had some fantastic classes around the 3 C’s of pricing; Customers, Competitors, Company. Our lectures were focused around Customer and Competitor pricing as these 2 drive a lot of the pricing decisions in the current market. We worked with Nielsen Company to look at some real case examples as well as were tasked with certain objectives and had the ability to use one of their pricing tools to do so. Both cases were very interesting and fun to play around with the pricing simulator. When approaching pricing there are many questions to look at from the price, distributions, competitor’s pricing offering, etc and to be able to look at in the sense of should we introduce a new product line? If so how and at what price to increase revenue as well as market share. Definitely skills that we as Master’s students can take with us as we look for internships and jobs.

The other class that I found extremely interesting was based around the Product Management focusing on the current Market Trends. We had a professor give a great presentation and discussion around The Unicorn Club- Companies that achieve $1 Billion + in Market Valuation and how it has become increasingly crowded with notable companies such as Facebook, Snapchat, Uber, etc. (photo attached). We discussed the 4 Keys to Success that really hit home for me:

  1. Quickly build a customer base- this is very important as customers drive everything
  2. Experience- in todays world the customer experience is even more important than the product
  3. Pivoting- the ability to change your product, even radically, based on what your customers are saying
  4. BE FAST- now more than every you have to be fast, fast to deliver, fast to enhance, fast to change, if you don't you will be left behind

Customer Experience is one of the things that I appreciate and am passionate about when it comes to digital strategy. In today’s world with so many social media outlets where people can talk about your product, you have to be visible, and not just be visible but be active. Talk to your customers, listen, react if needed to provide them with a great experience. And not only the experience but from a Branding and Brand Equity perspective having a strong presence will help foster that Brand Community and increase your brand awareness, strength, and equity. I truly believe that for companies to continue to grow and thrive in the new and ever growing digital economy, you have to be active to be relevant.

Another very interesting topic that we dived into are the 8 Market Trends that we are seeing:
  1. Sharing Economy and Collaborative Consumption
  2. Do-It-Yourselfers and the Makers Revolution
  3. Startups & the New Entrepreneurs
  4. Phenomenon Crowd & Co-Creation
  5. Always On and Multichannel
  6. Quantified Self
  7. Gamification
  8. Internet of Things

So many great new companies fall into these categories and I could probably write a whole post on each topic, but some companies I find interesting that make up the new sharing economy include the explosive growth of Uber, the redefining music consumption company Spotify, and AirBNB. Amazing companies with very interesting platforms that offer low overhead and an amazing service and customer experience (there is that term again). 

It was a great week of classes and starting to get into some of the exciting but ever difficult tasks of Marketing Managers!

I had made a goal for myself that everyday to read 4-5 articles, 2-3 (I usually read more) on Marketing trends, goings ons, etc, 1 in regards to financials, company acquastions, buyouts, etc, and 1-2 current events. It is very important as a Marketer to read and now what is going on not just in your industry but in business around the world. This was instilled in me by one of my Marketing Professors back at Simpson College and re-affirmed from every Professor that has lectured us this year. This is a list of websites that I like to use to check for articles, there are many great places to look but these have been suggested by multiple leaders that i have meet with, in the industry. 
  • Advertising Age
  • Fast Company
  • LinkedIn
  • INC
  • Wall Street Journal 
  • The Atlantic
  • Food 4 Brains (this is a website by one of our professors and colleagues that are snapshots of major articles that were published from some of the biggest sources in the world)
  • I like to also browse Yahoo and MSN 
  • Twitter is also a very good tool for finding great content depending on who you follow

As always I hope that there is a takeaway or two in here for everyone. If you have any questions or would like to discuss some of these issue more in depth feel free to write a comment or shoot me a note at You can also follow me on Twitter @RobbyNap and connect with me on LinkedIn at

Ciao Ciao 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Grad School Adventures: Week 7 and 8: "Finals round 1"

Week 7/8: November 2nd-15th
Lesson of the Week: 
Week 7 and 8- November 2nd- 15th
Lesson of the Week:
Travel- as much as you can! 
There is so much to see and do, go experience it!

DONE WITH FINALS!!! That is how I said it in my head as I walked out of MIP- Graduate School of Business around 12:45 pm on Wednesday afternoon to a beautiful sunny day in Milano, uncommonly warm and sunny as everyone would say for this time of year. 

As I was walking back and waiting on the train I reflected on my view of my performance on the finals. I believe I did well, it wasn't too earth shattering or hard, I wish I would have added a few more diagrams using Marketing tools etc but all in all I left feeling good about how I did. 

Finals week is always a hard week for students, always trying to cram in the last bit of knowledge and hoping it sticks… The thing about our program at MIP is that, it isn't always about the answer, but it is in how you get there. Marketing in essence is about generating profit by providing the customer value. There are multiple ways to achieve this goal but how you go about it is different. Just like companies, for example Apple challenges you to “Think Different” and markets to you as a person creating a brand that you want to be a part of. Where as Samsung targets features and functionality as it doesn't have the same type of brand culture that Apple does. This also makes it stressful for students who want to be able to answer right or wrong, where there is a lot of grey area in this field. But at the end of the day it is about applying principles that allow us to assess and analyze a market, not always easy to condense into multiple choice. Instead we had to analyze cases and discuss our vies, opinions, etc. I find it fascinating to read about how different companies attack different problems. 

Now that our finals over Basics of Management, Marketing Analysis, and Strategic Marketing is completed we now shift focus from Corporate Strategy, BCG Matrix’s, Porter’s Value Chain, 5 Forces, and STP to putting into practice and adding the Marketing Mix, the 4 P’s to the equation in Marketing Decisions. I am looking forward to lectures on Product Management, looking at Trends, and the new age of Digital Technology!

With studying abroad, challenges will arise! Such as back to dealing with the Italian Post Office. My mom sent me a care package full of Hot Tamales and Twizzlers (which I am still waiting on, I cant tell you how badly I want those Hot Tamales), as it has not arrived. Around the same my mom sent that package, her sister, my Aunt also sent a care package full of Twizzlers, beef jerky, and Mac and Cheese! The difference is that with my aunts package I happened to be leaving as the post delivery guy showed up, apparently from what I interpreted (he was rocking Italian and I was trying to listen for key words, while using broken Italian, and a lot of pointing) to show him which button was ours to call down, as he did not ring the right apartment the first time. Clearly the name Napoli on the box and matching it up with the name Napoli on the sticker next to the all button isn't easy. Anyhow I also have to call the Post and figure out why we are receiving much mail as we have been asked from multiple family and friends if we received their letters. I have entrusted an Italian classmate of mine to help in the interpretation as I have not mastered the Italian Language. 

Last week we took an awesome city tour of Milano, it was a guided tour that took us through the Duomo Cathedral, Sforza Castle, through the Brera Neighborhood, which is a beautiful art district (although it used to be the Red Light District of Milano), and finally to see the famous "Last Supper" painting by Leonard da Vinci. We had the absolute perfect weather and it was amazing to not only see Milan, but also be able to learn about it as well!  This past Sunday I traveled to Verona with my girlfriend Christine and her Master’s of Interior Design Class at Scuola di Politecnica and I have to tell you, it was GORGEOUS. Verona is a stunning town with so much charm, from beautiful Piazza’s and fountains, to sweeping views of the city! They also have L’Arena which was constructed prior to the Coliseum that is still in very excellent shape! We also visited the balcony of Juliet from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and singed our name on the walls of the entrance. We made the day trip on Sunday and although a little foggy, still beautiful. Milan is a very good city that is located very well for quick day trips and short weekend getaways. I am here to study and get my Masters Degree but I also want to travel and experience as much as I can now, while I still can!

Have a fantastic week and hopefully I will get to enjoy my Hot Tamales soon!

Duomo Cathedral

Juliet's Balcony
Signed our name on the wall at Juliet's
Verona L'Arena
Beautiful Verona

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Grad School Adventures: Week 6: "Top Brands- A Game!"

Week 6
October 26- November 1st
Lesson of the Week:
"When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you play good, when you play...they pay good" -Tori Hunter - one of my favorite quotes and oh so applicable. When you feel good about the way you look, you exude confidence. There is an emotional connection to the way you carry yourself based on how you feel. 

As I had a whole week to sit around and study, which let’s be honest I did a lot of in between Netflix, Facebook, gym, and looking at entertaining articles. But I did study, I promise! It was interesting to evaluate how I approach finals and studying now compared to when I was in college back in 2006-2010. But throughout the week of studying among other things, I was able to catch up on quite a few current events, which is something I need to get better at. My goal is to read at least 1-2 articles a day related to Marketing and Business, but that sometimes falls to the bottom of the list. But it gave me time to get caught up which was nice. In the process of studying Marketing principles such as Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, I was drawn back to an infographic that a colleague of mine sent to the class and I am sure one that I will be discussing again in this blog at some point when we get to the topics of Brand Management. But the below infographics is the Worlds Top Brands! Crazy, as you read through the list, think about what first comes to mind?

Let’s Play a Game!!!!!

Please pick one brand and share what immediately comes to mind in comments section below!

You guys are awesome! I am fascinated by brands, and how they have shaped our economy and consumer perceptions. I am sure that not everyone has the same perception of the same brand. Some people are avid Apple users and others are loyal to Samsung. I know that at some point I want my career to be involved in branding and brand management. I am excited for our future courses and experiences at MIP. For now I will continue to study, finals are next week right?

As far as Halloween goes Christine and I went out with some friends from class and had a fun night hanging out in the VIP sections at a club called MiB Piazza Affari. It was an excellent venue with a fantastic DJ. Piazza Affari is where the Stock Exchange of Italy is, and there is a very interesting piece of art in the middle, a giant marble middle finger! Yes you read that right, Google it!

Grad School Adventures: Week 5: "Never Stop Learning"

Week 5: October 19-25
Lesson of the Week: 1) Never stop learning- it is okay not to be the best at everything
**Fashion tip- Puff vest and jackets are back, seriously, just you wait USA

This lesson was definitely a more personal development lesson for me this week, and I needed the reminder. Historically, I am able to adapt, learn, and pick up things quickly, or I am just naturally good at them. It has been awhile since I haven't been one of the best in whatever I was doing; work, sports, networking, etc. A lot of things came natural and I was in the upper half of all my social circles. But living abroad has humbled and grounded me. There is a great big world out there and I was only scratching the surface. When you move abroad, you have to learn a new culture, and in most places a new language. In doing this you have to learn and practice, and then practice some more. Picking up a new language isn't something that I have been able to naturally pick up. It is proving to take work, like a lot of work. I am also continually learning to become a better listener. As I am working with classmates who’s native tongue is not English, I have to really listen and help connect the dots. And when I respond it is so easy for me to talk fast, and use more American references, rather that speaking so that I am connecting. That being said, it is also proving difficult, but then again I am sure I could use the lessons of slowing down a little bit. If you want to excel you need to continue to learn and adapt, it is easy for me to forget that sometimes. 

This was a short week of lessons, we had a Professor come in and doing a great job presenting Business to Consumer strategies. At MIP we have had the pleasure of learning from multiple professors and professionals to get a rich experience. B2B and B2C markets both fascinate me and offer similarities but are very different in the way you connect to the users. Next week is dead week and the following week is our first round of finals. This first section has been a very lecture intensive segment providing the class with the basic tools of Marketing to set the stage for what I call the sexy part of Marketing, Branding! But for now, not to get too excited and focus on studying!

In my free time, I finally got set up with a gym membership, so I can get back to training like a silverback! (inside joke for all my lifting friends) I also had the wonderful experience of going to the Italian Post Office, (which I still do not trust), but alas I had to ship a package to my mom. To send a package to the states wasn't too bad 13 euro. But when you get to the Post Italia Office you have to take a number based on what service you need, so we took our number and waited for it to be called. Shortly after we were called to the counter and were in process of sending the package, but I also wanted to sent 7 postcards to family and friends back in the States, however she was unable to help with those she only dealt with sending packages, oh and recharging your phone, she could accommodate that. So from there we had to go to another line to send postcards, which are pricey at 2 euro each. So we had to wait in line for about 15 minutes as some small company was trying to send out flyers and were arguing on price, and if you know anything about Italians they talk in circles, what could take 5 minutes, they take 20. Another 14 euro and we were out the door. Long story short, good luck in the post office, as you might have to wait in multiple queues to accomplish your visit. Another interesting tip on the Italian Way… Laws, like driving, parking, etc. they are more like suggestions, good to follow but no one does. There are not designated driving lanes, mopeds and go wherever and whenever they like, cars can and do park on sidewalks and even create parking lots in the middle of street intersections. But if you ask for food in a to go box, break a social custom.. its like you are breaking the law!

One thing that is awesome about a city like Milan is there is always something going on, from the World Expo that ends in October, to Milan Fashion Week, to this week hosting the European MTV Awards. Last night we went to a free concert at Piazza Del Duomo with Ellie Goulding and Duran Duran. It was absolutely gorgeous! 

As always I have attached some pictures!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Grad School Adventures Week 4- "Challenges"

Week 4: October 12-17th
Lesson of the Week: “As you enter the business field (first time/going back into) what value do you bring in regards to industry trends?”

This was a quote directly from one of the Executives from the Board of Directors for IBM Italia. We had an excellent seminar from IBM on the concepts of Big Data. Coming from the IT Staffing world, I spent a lot of time discussing with a large Forbes 100 company what their Big Data/ BI Strategy was and what they were looking to do. I find the concept of Big Data fascinating. I am not by any means a number guy, but the applications of Big Data and the tools that are developed/being developed to source, manage, and implement data that is relevant and useful. One of my passions is the concept of Digital Strategy and interactions online. With the use of Twitter and Facebook, businesses can launch a campaign of a new product line with a #IT (for example) and the consumers can use that to talk about that product, ie; “In line waiting to buy a new #IT” “I am loving my new #IT” or “#IT was not what I expected, very little updates or features added, #overhyped”. The company could use tools or booleans to simply search #IT on Twitter and Facebook and hone in on how customers react, and can make move accordingly. It is fascinating how a simple # has changed the face of social media marketing for business and consumers. 

In regards to the lesson, I think that for anyone looking to move jobs, change careers, or walk into an interview should prepare and walk in with this mindset. After working in staffing over the last 5 years, I have learned how to interview people, build resumes, and set people up for success. But as I was looking at my CV and working on it, I realized it has been a very long time since I was on the other end. I have spent a lot of time and with a little help of MIP Career Services, have been able to concisely and accurately present my experience. I have never felt more confident about my CV!

Switching gears, I have had the opportunity while in Italy to join an American Football Team, the Milano Seamen, and join as a Coach. I have been practicing with them during their offseason training to help coach and show techniques etc. It has been a fun experience for me to teach the game I love to a culture that does not understand or embrace it as largely as we do in the States. It has been a great way to connect to the culture and language and using it to help improve my Italian skills.

The one thing that people in blogs, and travel articles, magazines, etc don't tell you, is how hard it is to move abroad. The first few weeks were a blur sure, we had our challenges, but you still are in that “vacation” feeling phase. It is not for everyone, you have to be able to adapt and rely on yourself. You have to immerse yourself and build a network from scratch. If you are willing to overcome the fear of being afraid to try and fail and you put yourself out there, moving to another country is a rewarding and fulfilling experience and will really improve you as a person and in my case it has improved my relationship with Christine. It has allowed us to grow stronger personally and as a couple.  Understand that living abroad has so much to offer and is extremely rewarding, but those rewards are not without risk and struggle. Nothing worth having or experiencing is easy. 

*Christine and I took an amazing day trip up to Lake Como and visited 2 small beautiful Italian towns, Varenna and Bellagio,  located around a Lake at the base of the Swiss Alps. The views were absolutely stunning, definitely a must go if you are in Milano and want a day trip out of the city that is extremely affordable, the train tickets were 12 euros each for round trip! While in Varenna, I ran into an old friend from back in elementary school that I haven't seen in 20 years by chance. We live in a big beautiful world that has a way of being so small at times. When you travel, you will be amazed at how dynamic this great big world is. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Grad School Adventures Week 3- "Communication"

Week 3- October 4-11

Lesson of the week:
When walking on the sidewalk you have to keep your head on a swivel, and be looking left, right, up, and down, all at the same time!

Reason being: 1) the sidewalks are never even, 2) they are never the same size, 3) there are a ton of cafes and bars with patio furniture and patrons to be aware of, 4) there a ton of people walking, with animals, and 5) poop, there is not a lot of green space and aforementioned about people walking pets. Oh and pigeons, they are everywhere!

Week 3 has started to level off from being a blur to a feeling of normality. It is still crazy at this point to think that I am not just vacationing in Milan, I LIVE here! Milan is a beautiful city full of energy, fashion, and culture. Being the center of the fashion world it is not uncommon to see a photo shoot happening, oh say on the steps coming out of the metro. It is not uncommon for a guy in sweats on his way to a workout to walk through said photo shoot due to not paying attention to my full surroundings as I try to figure out exactly where I am going. 

By this point we have had the ability to see some of Milan's famous sights including the Duomo Cathedral and checked out a few of its trendy shopping districts. But Milan has a hidden sense of culture, for example in Rome, pretty much everything is historical and has a story. In Milan you could pass a building or church with beautiful architecture and say "oh that's cool" but not be fully aware of what it is you are looking at. I am really looking forward to learning more about this city and all of its secrets and Christine has signed us up for a city tour in early November to do just that!

Growing up I played football throughout high school and in college, and then proceeded to play 5 years of Semi-Professional football for a team called the Des Moines Blaze where we recored a recored of 56-2 with 5 Midwest Football Alliance League Titles and 1 National Championship. So after reading "Playing for Pizza" by John Grisham it was only natural for me to explore that option here in Milan. Milan has 2 American Football Teams, the historic Milano Rhinos, and the current Back to Back Italian Football League Champion Milano Seamen. Unfortunately the Rhinos never called me back, but the Seamen did, and although they already have their 2 imports (former Division 1 Sacramento State QB, and a SS from New Mexico) I am able to continue my love for the game by training with them and helping out on the Coaching Staff. It is amazing that I get to help a culture who does not embrace American Football and help promote it within my small (soon to be large) network in Milan. I also think it will be a great way to use football to help lower the language barrier and improve my Italian. I have a goal to leave Italy speaking the language. 

Week 2 in class has been straight into working in groups and getting our hands dirty. We have a visiting Professor from Germany in for a few days teaching a lesson on STP or Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. Over 3 days we went through the process to first segment a market into opportunities, then choose a target(s) market, and our overall positioning. This was done through choosing a specific product. Our group chose the GoPro camera and broke down our STP. I felt like this was a great project, and it was fun to use a hip product as GoPro to learn and create. I tried searching for our presentation so that I could attach as an example, but am unable to find on my Mac. 

One of the challenges in the group work was communication. As English is the universal language of business, and the language used in class we can all communicate effectively. But as you know if you have worked with folks form other backgrounds what you say is not always what is heard or perceived and of course there are language barriers within the language based on how you learned and what you do or do not know. This first lesson was very eye opening and really something you cannot replicate in a classroom, unless your classroom has many different backgrounds. I learned that this is and will always be a challenge of working in International Business and one that I am getting the opportunity to learn, adapt, and hone this skill first hand. 

When it comes time to interview with a International or Global Company and they ask what your experience is working with or in other countries/cultures, how will you be able to answer? What does your Global Network (if you have one) look like? Where and in what field do you want your career to look like?

*Attached are a few photos of our Week 3 adventures including the Basilica of Sant' Ambrogio which is absolutely gorgeous! We also went out to a club with a few of our friends from class and got to see what the Milanese Night Life was all about!

Basilica of Sant'Ambrigio

An old church that was transformed into a beautiful night club

Nightclub Il' Gattopardo

Monday, November 2, 2015

Grad School Adventures- Week 2- "Back to the Basics"

Week 2: September 28th-October 4th

Lesson of the Week: 
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

Week 1 was a blur, week 2.. still a blur, but things are starting to slow down as I get used to my new life in Italy. Back in the States I had a 2 bed 2 1/2 bath townhouse, a car, a large social network, and very good paying job. Life was comfortable. Through week 2 everything has been uncomfortable, but it is a good uncomfortable. In order to be successful we have to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone. A lot of stress was relieved once getting through all the paperwork needed to stay in Italy. I was able to quickly master the train and metro system, now to figure out the trams and buses, small victories though. We were able to add some personal touches on our (very) small but quaintly cosy apartment on the 4th floor. The slanted ceilings cause some annoyances but the apartment is comfortable with red tile floors and natural wood beams and the exposed brick, a traditional Milanese apartment!

The title of week 2 was "Back to the Basics" for the fact that the first week of classes is Marketing 101. Most anyone who took an Intro to Marketing class would be able to get through the first real week of classes. This intro is great as there is a good number of students who do not come from a Marketing background, and for those of us that do have a Marketing background, it is a good review. Also looking back at this after spending 5 years in business and coming back to school to learn, I really look at the material in a much different way. 

One the greatest things for me is meeting and learning about my classmates. We are a very diverse group and to get to know them is EXACTLY why I chose to study abroad. It is very easy to sit in a classroom and talk about a global economy and the importance of International Marketing and learn from a book. That is the science of it, the art of Marketing really comes from immersing yourself in the culture, learning and experiencing the culture, something that you can't replicate in a class room. I am very excited about where I stand in regards to my previous knowledge and the experience I bring and being able to really participate in the class. We have some extremely smart and intuitive peers so I really believe that this will be a beneficial experience. 

I read an article on the Iowa Hawkeyes and how after getting embarrassed last year in their bowl game against Tennessee, they challenged themselves to be better. They chose the book "The Slight Edge" to do this. Every week one of the upper-classmen were in charge of leading a presentation/discussion on what the lesson was. Hence my inspiration for the lesson of the week. I read this book back in undergrad, and it is a very good book and it is incredibly interesting to see how a team has implemented it to create a culture. This brings my point about being uncomfortable full circle. It is one thing to read, learn, and talk about something, but it is another thing to actually act upon it. Thus the reason I chose to leave the States, a beautiful townhouse, a strong social network, and high paying job to do something that makes many others uncomfortable. I am excited about this journey and what it will do for me professionally and personally. I am even luckier that I have someone here to experience this with [my girlfriend]. Everyone wants to do something great, but only a few are willing to actually do it. 

For any of those reading this that are interested in Graduate School and getting their MBA or Master's I challenge you to really research and think about what you want to get out of the experience. Yes that piece of paper is nice to have, but if you have seen the movie "21" when the main character is interviewing for a scholarship in the top school, he is asked; what makes him unique, what dazzles about him and his experience? If you are looking to interview for your dream job, what will your story be?

*Attached are some pictures of Milano, it is a beautiful city!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Grad School Adventures- Week 1- "A Blur"

I have decided to create this blog to document my journey through Graduate School at Politecnico di Milano and give insight to studying abroad for Graduate Level Studies as a part of MIP's Specialized Masters Program.

Why I chose MIP- I chose to study in Italy for a combination of reasons. 
  • First of all I am not embarking on this journey completely alone as I moved to Milan from Des Moines, Iowa with my girlfriend who is also attending Graduate School to get her Master's in Interior Design at Scuola Politecnica di Design.
  • Secondly, prior to attending a Masters program at the young age of 28 I spent the last 5 years in B2B sales and marketing focused in the IT/Staffing industry. I was working full desk sales as well as Market Strategy, Branding, Brand Management, Digital Strategy, and helping grow a new office from the beginning. I realized through this experience that there is a much bigger market out there and the trend is global. I wanted to be a part of the global environment and was looking for career advancement.
  • Thirdly, I wanted to immerse myself in a new culture and study in an environment that I do not know the language etc. I wanted to expand my horizons and my skills and really experience a multi-cultural experience while obtaining my Masters.
  • And Finally, MIP is triple accredited and one of the most respected schools in Italy! We also have partnerships with the brand Only The Brave, teamed up with major advertising firm UM McCann, leading Market Research company Nielsen, and the leaders in Global Analytics IBM. Throughout the year we will have the opportunity to study, learn from, and work hands on with and alongside of these companies as well as great internship openings.
I am studying in the 1st edition of International Multichannel Marketing Management through MIP. We are represented by 27 students representing 12 countries, that is truly a multicultural learning environment. 

A quick background on me, I grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. At 18 I embarked on my college career to Indianola, Iowa just 3 hours north of Kansas City to study and play football at Simpson College where I graduated with a BA in Marketing and a minor Sports Administration. After college I secured a job, moved to nearby Des Moines, Iowa and started my professional career in 2010. I have worked in Healthcare, Finance, and Information Technology sectors. Prior to moving to Italy I have never traveled to Europe and my only out of country experience was Spring Break '08 in Cancun, Mexico. 

Thus starts my journey into Graduate School and my desire to work in Marketing for Global Brands focusing, ideally, on the use of Big Data to help develop and create Brand Driven Digital Strategies.

Week 1: September 20th-26th

Lesson of the week:
In the States we just swipe a card for anything we need and cash is always handy. In Italia cash is king, coins are necessary, exact change is highly preferred, and using a card isn't a normal thing.

There is a lot to take in, in the first week of moving to a new country. So many sights, sounds, smells, and emotions. The first week was a whirlwind! We had some travel trouble getting stuck overnight in Chicago after missing flight 2 of our 4 flight journey. Luckily we had family in Chicago and were able to sleep in a bed rather than a cot in the airport hallways. We departed for our final 2 legs of the journey on a 7 hour overnight flight from Chicago to London, then from London to Milano, leaving at 4:45pm from Chicago and arriving at 230pm local time Italy. Italy is 7 hours ahead of CST time in the states.

Once in Italy everything seemed to be in a blur, language barriers mixed with the excitement of being in Italy, a sense of feeling completely lost as I adjusted to my surroundings and the realization that this is it, I am here and here to stay, no turning back now!

The first week of class was a lot of introductions, meeting our classmates, professors etc. An exciting reason to study at MIP is the amazing partnerships with OTB, McCann, Nielsen, and IBM. We got to meet with all these companies and introduce who we are, and why we are here. It was exciting to hear about each company and know what exciting opportunities are ahead of me.