Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Grad School Adventures: Week 5: "Never Stop Learning"

Week 5: October 19-25
Lesson of the Week: 1) Never stop learning- it is okay not to be the best at everything
**Fashion tip- Puff vest and jackets are back, seriously, just you wait USA

This lesson was definitely a more personal development lesson for me this week, and I needed the reminder. Historically, I am able to adapt, learn, and pick up things quickly, or I am just naturally good at them. It has been awhile since I haven't been one of the best in whatever I was doing; work, sports, networking, etc. A lot of things came natural and I was in the upper half of all my social circles. But living abroad has humbled and grounded me. There is a great big world out there and I was only scratching the surface. When you move abroad, you have to learn a new culture, and in most places a new language. In doing this you have to learn and practice, and then practice some more. Picking up a new language isn't something that I have been able to naturally pick up. It is proving to take work, like a lot of work. I am also continually learning to become a better listener. As I am working with classmates who’s native tongue is not English, I have to really listen and help connect the dots. And when I respond it is so easy for me to talk fast, and use more American references, rather that speaking so that I am connecting. That being said, it is also proving difficult, but then again I am sure I could use the lessons of slowing down a little bit. If you want to excel you need to continue to learn and adapt, it is easy for me to forget that sometimes. 

This was a short week of lessons, we had a Professor come in and doing a great job presenting Business to Consumer strategies. At MIP we have had the pleasure of learning from multiple professors and professionals to get a rich experience. B2B and B2C markets both fascinate me and offer similarities but are very different in the way you connect to the users. Next week is dead week and the following week is our first round of finals. This first section has been a very lecture intensive segment providing the class with the basic tools of Marketing to set the stage for what I call the sexy part of Marketing, Branding! But for now, not to get too excited and focus on studying!

In my free time, I finally got set up with a gym membership, so I can get back to training like a silverback! (inside joke for all my lifting friends) I also had the wonderful experience of going to the Italian Post Office, (which I still do not trust), but alas I had to ship a package to my mom. To send a package to the states wasn't too bad 13 euro. But when you get to the Post Italia Office you have to take a number based on what service you need, so we took our number and waited for it to be called. Shortly after we were called to the counter and were in process of sending the package, but I also wanted to sent 7 postcards to family and friends back in the States, however she was unable to help with those she only dealt with sending packages, oh and recharging your phone, she could accommodate that. So from there we had to go to another line to send postcards, which are pricey at 2 euro each. So we had to wait in line for about 15 minutes as some small company was trying to send out flyers and were arguing on price, and if you know anything about Italians they talk in circles, what could take 5 minutes, they take 20. Another 14 euro and we were out the door. Long story short, good luck in the post office, as you might have to wait in multiple queues to accomplish your visit. Another interesting tip on the Italian Way… Laws, like driving, parking, etc. they are more like suggestions, good to follow but no one does. There are not designated driving lanes, mopeds and go wherever and whenever they like, cars can and do park on sidewalks and even create parking lots in the middle of street intersections. But if you ask for food in a to go box, break a social custom.. its like you are breaking the law!

One thing that is awesome about a city like Milan is there is always something going on, from the World Expo that ends in October, to Milan Fashion Week, to this week hosting the European MTV Awards. Last night we went to a free concert at Piazza Del Duomo with Ellie Goulding and Duran Duran. It was absolutely gorgeous! 

As always I have attached some pictures!

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