The Christmas Holidays have arrived, and my girlfriend Christine and I decided to do some traveling as we were not going to be going back home to the States. Our journey was set, plane tickets bought, and our hotel/AirBnB’s booked. We were off to spend 3 days in Munich and 3 days in Paris!
- Friendly
- Helpful
- Clean
- Efficient
- Good Food
- Good Beer
*Everything in Germany was efficient, and always worked the way it was supposed to. It felt like being in a toy land as the buildings looked like they were freshly painted, everything was lined up and uniform, and everything was clean. Definitely a different look and feel from Italy just a hop, skip, and a jump away to the south.
It really seems that when we travel we tend to meet some amazing people and we both enjoy learning about their experiences. Previously I had talked about a girl traveling Europe from Australia. It is amazing and humbling to talk and learn from fellow travelers, and hearing their experiences really make us believe in what we are doing by chasing our own dreams.
We landed in Munich around noon and made our way to find the train which was easy to find, we were looking at the ticket screen deciding which one to buy when a friendly German guy (he was a pig farmer and had no teeth but friendly none the less) helped us to find the ticket and offered to split a group rate with us making it cheaper for all of us, he did so then he walked with us a bit and pointed us in the direction of our hotel. Very friendly. We also noticed how clean and efficient the train system was. It was easy to understand the signage, you enter on the right always and exit on the left always (In Italy you never know if the doors will open on the left or right and your fighting to get out through the people trying to get on) It was a smooth ride, easy to stand and not fall over (Again in Italy you will go flying to the front of the car when the train begins to stop because they slam on the breaks).
Once checking into our hotel we met up with one of Christine’s best friends from back in her hometown,Amanda, who used to live in Hamburg, Germany and knows a bit about Munich and it was nice having some people help us with German since we didn't know anything about the city. We spent the first day wandering around, checking out the awesome architecture (Christine loved as she is an Interior Design Student), and trying the different beers and food (which I enjoyed). The food in Bavaria was excellent, being a midwest boy we love our pork, and Germans do too! Win Win in the food department.
The following day we visited the Residenz which holds art and treasures of the royal Bavarian families. It was amazing and incredibly luxurious. We spent a good 2 1/2 hours wondering around the museum and listening to the audio guide. It was a wonderful way to spend our last day in Munich. That evening we met up with one of my classmates who is from Munich and her boyfriend and went out to dinner at a traditional Bavarian restaurant. They helped us by suggestions some awesome food and beers to drink, and then at the end of the meal we had a traditional after dinner ‘digestive’ shot of liquor. What a way to finish off our trip to Munich, hanging out with good company in a good local establishment!
We are so lucky to be able experience the world and travel, in doing so we really get a chance to learn and experience other cultures. Both of us are looking to get into international business in our respective fields, which is why we wanted to study abroad in Italy while getting our Masters Degree’s. These experience are helping us really understand what it means, and more importantly what it takes to establish meaningful cross cultural relationships.
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